Stock Information

Henry Schein at a Glance

Stock Information

Stock Quote

Price Change
Volume % Change
Intraday High 52 Week High
Intraday Low 52 Week Low
Today's Open Currency US Dollar
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Stock Chart

Data Provided by Refinitiv. Minimum 15 minutes delayed.

Historical Price Lookup

Week of July 22, 2024

Date Requested Closing Price Volume Split Adjustment Factor Open Price Day High Day Low
July 22, 2024 $70.95 1,627,910 1:1 $71.61 $72.63 $70.48
July 23, 2024 $69.99 1,443,417 1:1 $70.95 $71.47 $69.76
July 24, 2024 $70.29 1,425,823 1:1 $70.29 $71.00 $69.84
July 25, 2024 $71.04 1,227,689 1:1 $70.52 $72.13 $70.52
July 26, 2024 $72.31 1,079,397 1:1 $71.23 $72.44 $71.19

NOTE: The Closing Price, Day's High, Day's Low, and Day's Volume have been adjusted to account for any stock splits and/or dividends which may have occurred for this security since the date shown. The Split Adjustment Factor is a cumulative factor which encapsulates all splits since the date shown. The closing price is not necessarily indicative of future price performance.

Investment Calculator

Investment Date Original Shares Original Value Current Shares Current Value % Return Split Adjustment Current price
Jan 02, 2014 1,000.00 $113,482.03 2,551.30 $184,484.83 62.57% 2.5513 $72.31

Return calculations do not include reinvested cash dividends.

Analyst Coverage
Firm Analyst Name
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Allen Lutz
Barrington Research Associates
Michael Petusky
Cleveland Research
Jamie Clow
Elizabeth Anderson
Goldman Sachs
Nathan Rich
Matt Stanton
JP Morgan
John Stansel
Leerink Partners
Michael Cherny
Morgan Stanley
Erin Wright
Piper Sandler
Jason Bednar
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Jeffrey Johnson
Stifel Nicolaus and Company
Jonathan Block
UBS Securities
Kevin Caliendo
William Blair & Company
Brandon Vazquez

Data Provided by Refinitiv. Minimum 15 minutes delayed.

Henry Schein is followed by the analysts listed. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Henry Schein's performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Henry Schein or its management. Henry Schein does not by its reference or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.